Since 2012, I’ve immersed myself in the world of WordPress, a journey that began with a humble Blogspot blog (remember that?). I quickly discovered the platform’s limitations and made the switch to WordPress, a decision I’ve never regretted. Since then, I’ve crafted numerous WordPress sites, refining my design skills to create elegant, functional, and visually appealing websites.

Why Choose WordPress?

WordPress powers a significant portion of the internet, offering unmatched versatility. Almost anything you can envision for your website is achievable—within reason, of course. Once you conquer the initial learning curve, managing a WordPress site feels like designing your dream home. In contrast, using other platforms can feel more like settling for a pre-fabricated modular house—customizable but often lacking in uniqueness.

One of the best aspects of WordPress is that you don’t need to be a coding whiz to use it effectively. Sure, some technical skills can enhance your experience, but a willingness to learn and a bit of effort will take you far. With page builders like Divi, you can craft stunning websites without writing any code.

My Go-To Tools: WordPress and Divi

I personally rely on Divi, developed by Elegant Themes, for all my projects, including my own website and those of family members, friends and the small businesses I work with. Divi allows me to create interactive elements—like flip boxes, animations, and customized image layouts—without needing to use code. However, with even just a little HTML and CSS knowledge, I can make further customizations by adding this code inside the Divi Builder.

Divi and WordPress go together like peanut butter and jelly; their compatibility is exceptional. Despite exploring other platforms, I’ve yet to find one that matches the flexibility and functionality that WordPress and Divi provide. Each website I create is distinct, reflecting the unique needs and branding of each client.

The abundance of tutorials online also ensures that help is always at hand if you encounter challenges while learning.

Why I Recommend WordPress to My Clients

I consistently guide my clients toward WordPress and Divi, even when I know they may not be particularly tech-savvy. My extensive experience with these platforms allows me to unlock limitless possibilities for their websites.

Two standout features I love are:

1. Global Font Settings: You can set a default font for the entire site, ensuring consistency in branding across all new pages.

2. Global Color Palette: Just like the fonts, you can establish brand colors that automatically apply to all elements, creating a cohesive look.

Additionally, Divi makes it simple to integrate social media and collect email addresses, enhancing your ability to grow online.

Caveats to Consider

Of course, no platform is without its drawbacks. While WordPress and Divi offer numerous advantages, there are a few caveats:

Site Speed: Page builders can sometimes slow down your site. You can mitigate this by choosing lightweight plugins, monitoring site performance, using reputable hosting, and implementing caching solutions.

Learning Curve: I once had a client who was so frustrated with the learning process that she opted to migrate to a different platform. However, she lacked the time and resources to fully dive into WordPress. While regular updates may feel burdensome, they benefit your site’s SEO, signaling to search engines that your site is actively maintained.

Backup Necessity: If troubleshooting isn’t your forte, you risk breaking your site. That’s why reputable hosts often offer daily backups and staging sites, allowing you to experiment without jeopardizing your live site. You can undo what you did and make that “white screen of death” come back to life.

Plugin Conflicts: The open source nature of WordPress means that anyone can create and upload plugins. While this is fantastic for functionality, it can lead to compatibility issues if you don’t keep plugins updated, or if the plugin developer messes up the code. Regular backups and testing plugins can help fix those issues.


A WordPress site is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a unique and versatile web presence. With countless design options and robust support available for WordPress and Divi users, creating websites that harness both timeless and modern design trends is within reach. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your online presence, WordPress and Divi offer a world of possibilities.


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Cynthia shares about web and graphic design, business, entrepreneurship, fitness, and sometimes cats.

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