
Design, Business, Fitness

The articles here center on these three main topics. As a creative entrepreneur, I share my knowledge and learning.

Art Funky is primarily known for web and graphic design services. But I am also a small business and will share about what I learn. 

I have been designing and creating for a very long time. Some of it was fine art, but mostly I have been working on graphic design, websites and digital marketing since 2011. 

I am not just a designer. I am very much into fitness, and I am a dog mom and cat mom. I share about all that here, too. 

Come along for the ride. Learn something new!

I Cured My Cats of FIP

I Cured My Cats of FIP

In the last post, I shared about what FIP is and how my cats got diagnosed. In this video, I share the surreal story of finding treatment, and actually treating my cats. Myself. Well, my husband and me. But ourselves. With syringes. If you haven’t watched that video,...

What is FIP and my experience with my cats having FIP

What is FIP and my experience with my cats having FIP

Introduction: This is Part I of the FIP journey I had with my cats. It's much more in-depth than anything I spoke about on the blog before. Look for Part II next week!This is Emma. And this is Elsa. (See video) I adopted them back in October 2021 along with their...

Other websites I love

Dear friends who have always supported me on my journey. Their stuff is worth a read!

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Creating authentic, exceptional designs for busy small business owners. Contact me to start a conversation about envisioning what designs you would like to see.

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